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St Margaret's Bus Station reopening

Great news! St Margaret's bus station has undergone a massive £14.3million redevelopment and it reopens on Monday 27 June. 

The striking new bus station is glazed from floor to ceiling and features a aluminium roof that appears to float above the main concourse hall. 

A series of renewable energy measures help to make St Margaret's the UK's first net zero carbon bus station. 

From this date skylink Derby will depart from bay SG in the bus station (except between 11pm-5am when it will depart from bay SA). The first bus departing from bay SG will be the 5.30am skylink Derby. There will also be some minor changes to the skylink Derby timetable from the same date. Full details can be found here.

Kinchbus 2 will depart from bay SF in St Margaret's bus station, with the first bus departing at 7.10am on Monday 27 June. The full timetable can be found here